<body> Lost In Beauty-
...she's Beautiful

Jeanie Chu
NUS Undergraduate

...Beauty ProDucts

Good book
Good music
Still Wishing

...Other beauties

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    Yada Yada

    ...Lost in beauty

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2


    Guess we are all emotional creatures.

    I am one, making the air ticket thing a matter of worry. Now that everything turns out fine, I am ok already. It's really good that these friends of mine don't mind taking different flights. I thought I was the only one who thought otherwise, haa.. But no, not just me, I am not a worrying freak afterall.

    Anyway, I hope my dear Vio is ok already. Let's hope it will be just like me, emotions getting in the way. Travelling together has its pros and cons. But yeah, let's voice out each opinion and conform!

    I am emotional but not to the extreme. I was sad yesterday but I am happy today! Haa.. Let me repeat, I am not an extreme. I can be happy easily -- Shopping!

    Bought lots of stuff today in town. Oops. I think splurging at one go is really shiok, so much different from spending a little at a time. Now I understand why Vio was extremely happy that day. Or maybe I haven't been to shopping for some time. Or because I am in shopping mood today? It is very important to get into the mood for whatever activity one is doing, you know? The amount of satisfaction gained is optimal.

    Ok, I digressed. Cos I don't really wish to type out my "sinful" acts today. Conclusion is I really bought alot of stuff today (Note: "alot" is subjective!). But I am really happy! Haa.. Who says money can't buy Happiness? WHO?

    Anyhow, isn't it ironic that people usually judge their favourite activities as sinful ones? Shopping, eating, playing? Shopping burns a hole in the pocket. Eating? How about the amount of fats introduced to your system when you indulged in your favourite chocolates(Choco? Hmm.. Maybe strawberry flavour for me?)? Playing? Aren't you supposed to be studying now? So, people actually catergorised their activities as sinful or not sinful?

    Hmm.. Let's see, in the eyes of God, we are all sinners. What's the diff?

    There is no diff between one sin or many sins made. So... Shop more, eat more and play more!!!!! (As if I will eat more. Haa.)

    the beauty exposed ;


    My opened eyes are wide all night long. Only managed to sleep a wink for about 4 hours or less.

    I cried.

    Thought it was just a small issue, but the problems that accompanied the issue were so much more. I hate the ugly truth behind it all. The senseless, unreasonable fact that comes from a stubborn mind.

    I despaired.

    It is not just the trip I am sad about now. It is the chains of problems that courted this unmovable, firm stand. This physical problem caused so so much emotional damage.

    I hesitated.

    Not knowing what decision to make, which side to join. I made Vio wait for both of us. I felt manipulated. Maybe I am way too exaggerated, but I really felt this way. But then, no matter how bias I am, I tried to put myself in her shoes. True, I understand her point of view, but to me, the benefit of it all underweighs the original's.

    I relented.

    Afterall, I want to go overseas badly. It was not easy to persuade my parents and now that they had agreed, I told myself I shan't let this "small" setback bring me down. I forsee problems with mum though but for the sake of Dearie, I will try.

    I tried.

    I tried telling my mum about the incident this morning, hoping she would not prob too much into it and let me go. I was simply afraid she would get the wrong idea, leaving a negative impression of someone whom I wish I'd no negative impression of. I thought it was a blessing in disguise that my mum had the same worry! But I knew it was no bonus at all. In fact, even worse. She rubbed it in, so badly to me that I burst out crying in front of her. Maybe again, I treated her mild rubbing in too seriously. But it was not just her comment, it is everything.

    I wept.

    Fortunately my mum never flared up. I was so sorry to make her feel that she was the one who make me cry. It wasn't, really. If so, it was way too insignificant. I knew her. She is the type who will rub it in in everything and she would digress way too far. I don't blame her, not at all. But of course, the rubbing in has an impact on the current issue.

    I sighed.

    A complete mess. This process is way too much of a pain. I was and am hurt by it all. It relflects not just this trip but reality.

    I think.

    Or maybe, I think too much. Again.

    the beauty exposed ;


    uH oH.. a LiTtLe LaGgY, a LiTtLe Lz tO bLoG tHeSe fEw dAyS..

    buT oF cOuRsE, pArT oF tHe rEaSoN iS cOs oF sCh WoRk.. tiS tErM bReAk iS juS a bReAk fOr uS tO cAtCh uP wiF ouR wOrK, tO mEeT tHe pAcE oF ouR LeCtuReRs! duN rEaLLi hAv tYm tO pLaY buT hOpEfuLLy, tHeRe'S sTiLL sOmE bReaK iN bEtWeen fOr LeiSuRe..

    miCrOfiLm, miCrOfiLmS n miCrOfiLmSs.. wHoLe dAy oF miCrOfiLmS fOr sO mAnY dAyS, sO mAnY hRs.. hOw eNjOyAbLe cAn iT bE? rEaDiNg nEwSpPr oN tHe cHi sOCiEtY iN aMeRiCa LiKe aLmoSt a cEnTuRy aGo? nOt tO mEnTiOn tHe diFf uSaGe oF cHi LaNguAgE, wHiCh cAn bE quiTe a hEaDaChe aS weLL.. buT YaY! i mAnAgEd tO fiNiSh 4 mThS pLuS oF nEwSpPr!! buT pOoR mi n viO, gg bAcK tO sCh oN a suN, a miD-aUtuMn fEsT aS weLL.. buT aT LeAsT, wE wErE gEtTiNg tHe hAng oF iT.. :)

    onLi ceLeBrAtE miD auTuMn fEsT wiF mY reLaTiVeS tiS yR.. gRaNnY's hSe oVeRcRowDeD oN sAt!! n toNs n tOnS oF mOoNcAkEs piLiNg uP hiGh oN tHe tAbLe.. aT LeAsT 10 pLuS oVeR bOxEs oF mOoNcAkEs!! aLL diFf bRaNdS, sEeMs LiKe a mOoNcAkE buFfEt tO mi.. LoLx.. tHe nXt gEnErAtiOn'S cAtcHinG uP oN miNe aS weLL.. cuTe LiT' kiDs, ruNniN aRd wiF LaNtErNs.. n tHe "oLd" gEnErAtiOn oF miNe, siTtiNg aRd LiGhTiNg uP LaNtErNs, rEpLaCiNg cAndLeS n eNtErTaiNiNg tHe yOuNg oNeS.. cAn sTiLL rEcaLL tHoSe oLd dAyS wHeN wE wErE LiKe tHe LiT' oNeS, pLaYiNg cAndLeS, LiGhTiNg LaNtErNs bAcK aT ouR 3Rd auNt's hSe.. sO mEmOrAbLe!

    suPpOsEd tO mEeT uP pS n viO on suN niGhT tOo.. iN thE eNd, iT wAs cAnCeLLeD.. buT dEn, LeT's hOpe we'LL c eAch oThEr sOoN.. iT's mEaNt fOr pS mOrE i guEsS? aNyWaY, pS, wE wAiTeD fOr u fOr suShi buFfEt LoNg aGo LeH.. nOw viO cAnT waiT Le, sHe'S gg oN tuE wiF hEr JaP fReNs.. n sHe sAiD u fiNiSh diEt Le teLL hEr.. sO wE cAn gO.. hAa.. n oNe mOrE tHiNg, YaY!!! cAnT wAiT fOr bAnGkOk tRip!!! (^.^)

    hMm.. tOkiN aBt buFfEt, i tiNk i aTe quiTe sOmE mOoNcAkE tiS fEw dAyS.. n pS's rEcOmMeNdAtiOn fOr Ritz CarLtoN mOoNcAkE'S gD!! iT's rEaLLi niCe!! sNoWsKiN mOoNcAkE.. Mmm.. siNfuL!! hAa.. buT tO baLaNcE mY aPpEtiTe, i wEnT tO gyM LaSt wK(oK, i sHaN cReDiT mYseLf fOr tiS siNcE iT wAs LaSt tHuRs) n buKiT tiMaH hiLL tiS mOrN.. eArLy mOrN!! wHeN tHe suN's nOt uP! aCtuaLLy, i'M gLaD mY pArEnTs hAv tiS hAbiT tO kEep fiT.. =D

    LaStLy, HaPpY 9tH mThS n oNe dAy mY dEaR!!! wHt i wAnNa sAy tO u iS muCh muCh mOrE bEyOnD wOrDs.. LuV yA!! LotS!!

    the beauty exposed ;

    hAd bEeN quiTe sOmE tYm siNcE i LaSt bLoGgEd.. diN cOmE onLiNe aS oFtEn, eVeN iF sO, iT'd bE nOtEs pRiNtiNg onLi..

    aNyWaY, i fiNaLLy sAw tHe fLyiNg LemuR tt muM n dAd hAd wAnTeD mi tO c LoNg tYm aGo.. wEnT tO buKiT tiMaH hiLL fOr a jOg.. tt cReAtuRe wAsN bEauTiFuL aT aLL buT dEn iT's sTiLL mY auNt's n pArEnTs' hiGhLiGhT oF tHe dAy..

    weLL, i'M LaZy tO uPdAtE, LeT's juS LoOk aT sOmE pHoToS.. n tHoSe tt i wAnNa pOsT fOr mR toNg's wEdDiNg..

    LoOk aT mR pAnDiAn'S sOn.. i eNvY hiM fOr tHoSe LaShEs!!!

    Duckie~ mY pLaYmAtE iN tHe cAr.. eRm, wiF mY nEwLy bOuGhT nEckLaCe..

    poOdLe.. aNd duCkiE aBv.. wiF mY hP's fRaMe..

    suPeRb eFfEcTs oF mY hP..

    hAa.. i LuV mY gReEn tOp n nEckLaCe!! i tiNk bouGhT quiTe sOmE sTuFf LaSt wK.. OopS!

    the beauty exposed ;


    SuPeRsTaR fiNaL yEsT niTe.. didn cOmE hOmE iN tYm fOr tHe pErFoRmAnCeS buT i gOt uPdaTeD bY mY bRo.. rEsuLt, aS uSuaL, oUtTa mY pReDiCtiOn.. hAa.. eVeR siNcE i "sTriKe pOtLuCk" dEtErMiNiNg tHe wiNnEr aLL tHe wAy tiLL tHe tOp 4, i nV sTriKe aGaiN.. frOm dEn oN, keLLy eNteRiNg tHe fiNaL iS mY onLi cOrReCt pReDiCtiOn.. aNyWaY, iN mY oPiNiOn, bOtH oF tHeM r wiNnErS aLrEaDy, tHe pErFoRmAnCeS aT iNdOoR sTaDiuM yEsT wAs a bOnuS tO tHeM.. tHe wiNnEr onLi wiNs tHe titLe.. cOnTrAcTs? bOtH hAd tHeM aLreAdY.. i sO eNvY tHeM.. hEy, iT's sO rArE a cHaNcE tt oNe cAn sTaNd oN tHe sTaGe oF iNdOoR sTaDiuM hAviNg uR MiNi cOnCeRt wiF eVeRyOnE cHeEriNg fOr u.. u gOtTa hAv tt kiNdA LuCk u c, nOt aLL wHo siNgS weLL hAv a cHaNcE LiDaT.. oH, n tiS rEmiNdS mi oF ChArLiE fRoM rOaLd dAuL's cHoCoLaTe fAcToRy..

    aNyWaY, yEsT wAs a tiRiNg dAy iN sCh.. bY tHe 2Nd LeC i wAs aLrEaDy vErY tiReD n rEstLeSs.. haLf sHuTdOwN bY dEn.. tHe 2 cHi LeCs wErE bOriNg.. bY tHe tYm i rEaChEd CoNitiVe tuT, i wAs fuLLy sHuT dOwN.. cOuLdn aNs qNs, hAd tO rEgiStEr qNs fOr 5 miN oR sO tO uNdErsTaNd iT.. i guEsS mY aTtEnTiOn(mEmOrY) hAd rEaChEd iTs mAxiMuM cApAciTy bY dEn.. n tHe bAd tHiNg iS i rEaLiZe iT's aLwAz LiDaT eVeRy wK, aFt mY cHi LeCs..

    hMm.. aNyWaY, iT's aNoThEr LaDy'S aFfAiR iN sCh yEsT.. iT's NUS VaNiTy fAiR, a fAiR iN wHiCh bRaNdS suCh aS Clinque, Tommy Hilfiger, DKNY and Stila cAmE iN tO seLL tHeiR sTuFf aT LoW pRiCeS.. didn rEaLLy wAnNa gO aT fiRsT, oR mAyBe i juS wAnNa tK a "wiNdOw" LoOk onLi.. iN tHe eNd, i bOuGhT oVeR huNdReD oF doLLaRs oF fAciaL pDtS.. aLL cOs oF mY deAriE n pAuL wHo kEpT sAyiNg tHeSe r gD buYs aT rEaLLi gReAt pRiCeS.. yAh, huNdRed oVeR doLLaRs, hOw gReAt iS tt? hAa.. pLuS mi n YY kEpT pSyCho-iNg eAcH oThEr tO buY tHoSe iTeMs wE bOtH r cOnSiDeRiNg.. eNdEd uP wE bOtH r gReAt buYeRs! buT dEn, sEriOusLy sPeAkiNg, iN tHe LoNg ruN, iT's rEaLLi wOrTh tHe pRiCe, juS tt wHeN u hAd tO fOrK ouT mOnEy sO suDdEnLy, iT bEcOmEs a LiT' iNdEciSiVe fOr mi.. LeT's c, i bOuGhT Stila's pOttEd cReMe bLuSh, sHiMmEriNg pOwDeR ( i'vE aLwAz wAnTeD tO buY tiS! n iT's $45 aT tHe fAiR, $100 LeSs!), LiP gLoSs aNd Clinique's pAcKaGe oF FaCiaL mAsK (wiF a fReE fRaNgRaNcE wHiCh sMeLLs niCe).. oH nO, i'M suCh a sPeNdThRiFt!!

    n tHe BanGkOk tRiP.. iT's sO gReAt tt viO n Jr tO fOuNd suCh a gReAt dEaL! buT cOnfLiCtS juS hAd tO aRiSe.. mY mUm n hEr hAbiT.. i sHaN tOk sO muCh aBt iT, iT mAdE mi rEaL sAd.. i eVeN cRiEd tt mOrNiNg n i vOwEd siLeNtLy tO mYseLf tt i sHaN tOk tO hEr, aT LeAsT fOr tHeSe fEw dAyS.. i shaLL tOk tO mY dAd dEn.. we'LL c hOw.. tHe tHiNg iS i nOe i cAn gO iN tHe eNd, buT siNcE u nOe iT n i nOe iT, y nOt LeT mi gO hApPiLy? y muSt cOnfLiCt bE uNaVoiDabLe?? i sTiLL duN gEt iT.. hMm..

    n pS, duN bE sAd k? duN bRoAd oVeR tt iSsuE.. caLm dOwN n tiNk cLeArLy wHt u wAnNa dO nXt.. pLaN aHeAd.. uR pAtH wiLL sMoOtHeN ouT sOoN.. cAn caLL mi oR viO wHeNeVa u wAn.. sMiLeZ!

    the beauty exposed ;

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