<body> Lost In Beauty-
...she's Beautiful

Jeanie Chu
NUS Undergraduate

...Beauty ProDucts

Good book
Good music
Still Wishing

...Other beauties

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Jiro Candice
Kyle Murphy
Kaymanism's Art
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YingYi (Yy 2)
Lynn MeiLing
Val MeiWei
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    Yada Yada

    ...Lost in beauty

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2


    a LiTtLe biT oF aChiNg hErE n tHeRe oVeR mY bOdy.. eSp mY tHiGhS.. hAd bEeN jOgGiNg, sWiMmiNg n gYm-iNg a cOupLe oF tYms tiS wK.. quiTe fuN oN mOn.. mY bRo tAcKeD aLoNg tO hYaTt hOteL gYm.. rEaLLi muSt tHx dEaRiE!!! n tHe mEaL aFt tt gyM sEsSiOn wAs aBsoLuTeLy "wOaH".. xiE xiE!! (",)

    wAs deLiGhTeD tO c tHe wEiGhiNg sCaLe tiS tiMe.. hAa.. i'vE suCcEsSfuLLy sLiMmEd dOwN eVeR siNcE tHe LaSt tiMe i wEnT hYaTt gYm.. n mY tArGeT wEiGhT iS 1kG aWaY.. cHeErS!

    wEnT tO kBoX tOo.. nOt bAd, sOmE nEw sOnGs wHiCh i'Ve bEeN wAiTiNg fOr sO LoNg.. pS miGhT wAnNa gO?? fiNaLLy gOt yU hEnG's sOnG Le!! n sOmE oThErS tOo!!

    Mr n Mrs sMiTh.. niCe sHoW!! tHoSe hAvEn cAtCh tHe sHoW, mAyBe u wAnNa cAtCh iT?? fuLL oF aCtiOn aNd rOmAnCe.. nOw i wAnNa wAtCh iNiTiaL D n bAtMaN bEgiNs..

    the beauty exposed ;


    oH mY!! hOw cOuLd i fOrGoT tO tOk aBt tiS bEaRy-niCe bOuQuEt??!!

    niCe riTe?? iT wAs deLiVeReD riTe tO mY dOoRsTeP LaSt tHuRs, iN tHe pOuRiNg rAiNy niTe!!

    aT fiRsT, mY dAd tOt iT wAs tHoSe auNtiEs wHo wAnNa gEt dOnAtiOnS oR pRoMoTe sOmE sTuFFs, sO wE kEpT quiEt n pReTeNdEd nO oNe wAs hOmE wHeN tHe dOoRbeLL rAnG.. uNtiL..

    "MiSs JeAniE cHu??"

    dEn mY dAd oPeNeD tHe dOoR.. i wAs LiKe "eH?".. wHo cOuLd iT bE??? mY dArL's iN HK wHt..

    unTiL i sAw tHe cArD.. sO mY dEaRiE hAd pLaNnEd tiS aLL aLoNg, b4 hE LeFt fOr HK.. sO sWeEt oF hiM.. tHx dEaR!!! rEaLLi niCe.. bEaRy niCe!! buT hOpE iT dOeSn cOsT a bOmB.. 24 hR deLiVeRy bOuQuEt sHoP?? hMm.. hOw hOpEfuL cAn i bE??

    the beauty exposed ;


    wHt a wEeKeNd i hAd!!

    aLtHo i diDn jOiN tHe gErS n gUyS tO eScApE tHeMe PaRk tOdAe, i hAd a LeisuRe tiMe aT hOmE pLaYiNg mAhJoNg.. n i bEcOmE tHe uLtiMaTe wiNnEr, aLL oF tHeM LoSt.. TO ME!!! oKiE, tt'S nTh tO bE sO rEjOiCeFuL oVeR.. buT aNiWaE, i hAd a gReAt tiMe yEsT..

    yEs, wiF tHe 2 sWeEt LaDiEs tHeRe.. wE wErE aT BiLLy BoMbErS.. tHe 2 cHoC fLaVouR miLkShAkEs r tHeiRs.. i hAd miNe sTrAwBeRrY-fLaVoUrEd, iN tHe miDdLe.. aNyWaY, GoD nOeS y wE wEnT tHeRe tO "cHiLL ouT".. (mayBe sOmEoNe iN tHe piC nOeS? hAa..) k LaH, iT's quiTe a niCe pLaCe tO siT dOwN n cRaP.. iT's juS a cLaSsY-iEr fOrM oF La-KoPi.. niCe, buT i hOpE tHe miLkShaKe iNciDeNt wiLL nV hApPeN aGaiN.. eH, viO n pS shLd nOe wHt i mEaN..

    bEsiDeS, i oSo duNnO y tHoSe tAbLeS aRd uS kEpT hAviNg tHeiR hEaD tuRninG n eYeS eYeiNG oN uS.. mAyBe wE weRe wAy tOo LoUd oF a cRaP.. buT wHtEvA, hEcK..

    uLtiMaTeLy, wHeN wE gOt bOrEd fRoM aLL tHe cRaPs, wE wOuLd sTaRt ouR cAmErA-iNg tiMe..

    a Da tOu tiE oF tHe 3 oF uS..

    pS n mi..

    n i tOt ouR pOsE sEeMeD aBiT aWkWaRd beLoW..

    nOw i rEm, i tiNk tt wE wErE giGgLiNg aWaY b4 tHe cAm cLiCkEd tt n wE cOuLdn sToP LaUgHiNg..

    wEnT sHoPpiNg aFt tt.. viO bOuGhT hErSeLf a pAiR oF piNkY pAnTs.. nOt bAd, niCe n iT cAn bE wOrN iN 2 wAyS.. i fiNd tHoSe sKirTs niCe aS weLL.. hMm.. bOuGhT a pAiR oF eArRiNgS n pEarLy bEaCeLeT fOr mYseLf.. i'M quiTe oBsEsSeD wiF niCe pEarLy aCcEsSoRiEs nOwAdAyS..

    n wE buMpEd iNtO quiTe a fEw fReNs aLtOgEtHeR.. i sAw RaZiF wiF xuEzHeN (GoSsiP: i tiNk tHeY wErE tGt LaH.. hoLdiNg hAnDs.. oOpS..), rYaN n hiS bEtTy n b4 i LeFt tOwN tt niTe, i sAw DuCiBeLLa, mY pRi sCh fReN!! viO n pS tOo, wHt a cOiNciDeNcE!!

    buT aNiWaE, ouR mAiN pUrPoSe oF gg tOwN tt dAy iS cOs pS wAnNa gO c JJ aT tHe NgEe AnN ciTy ciViC pLaZa, wHeRe tHeRe'S aN oPeN-aiR cOnCeRt heLd bY YES 93.3, wiF sTaR gUeStS LiKe F.I.R, eNeRgY, TaNyA, zHaNg dOnG LiAnG, aH sAnG, cAi cHuN jiA n oF cOuRsE, pS's JJ..

    bY tHe tiMe wE fiNiShEd ouR sHOpPiNg, tHe cOnCeRt hAd aLrEaDy sTaRtEd.. sO wE didn rEaLLi mAnAgEd tO gRaBbEd a gD sPoT fOr a gD viEw.. buT LuCkiLy, wE mAnAgEd tO sQuEeZe ouT wAy tHrU tHe cRoWd aT LeAsT.. buT iT's suPeR hOt n sTuFfY, pLuS ouR sOrE fEeT.. wE sToOd fOr aBt 2 hRs pLuS..

    dEspiTE tHe kiLLeR-eNviRoNmEnT, tHe cOnCeRt wAs gD!! tOtaLLy rOcKz.. F.I.R did a gReAt jOb aS tHe 1St gRp tO pErFoRm..

    a gLiMpSe oF FaYe.. tOo bAd mY cAm cAnT cApTuRe weLL n wE sToOd tOo fAr..

    OoPs.. i fOrGoT tO uSe niGhT mOdE.. buT u aLL cAn c hEr riTe??

    zHaNg dOnG LiAnG's pErFoRmAnCe nOt bAd tOo.. mAyBe i nOe hiS sOnGs weLL??

    didn tAkE LoTsA pHoTos hErE tHo cOs mY cAm hAs gOt nOt muCh sPaCe.. tHe LaSt oNe i tOoK iS oN tHe sCrEeN..

    pS's fAv.. LiN JuN JiE.. taLeNtEd aRtiStE..

    tHe LaSt gRp tO cOmE ouT aFt JJ iS EnErGy.. tOo bAd i rEaLLi duN hAv tHe eNeRgY tO cOnT wAtChiNg.. i duN miNd wAtChiNg tHeM.. hMm.. buT iT's rEaLLi suFFoCaTiNg iN tHeRe.. n tHe PeRsPirAtiOn juS cOuLdn sToP..

    buT sTiLL, iT's a gReAt cOnCeRt.. tErRiFiC DaY!!!

    the beauty exposed ;


    bRaCeS oN!!!~

    tt wAs a fOrCeFuL sMiLe cOs i wAs iN pAiN!!! (aLriGhT, sToP LoOkiNg aT mY piMpLe sCaR, iT's dRyiNg uP Le..) sUpEr pAiNfuL!!! yEs, suPeR.. nOw i nOe, vAniTy hAs iTs pRiCe.. buT i'M sAtiSfiEd wiF tHe wOrK tHo cOs Dr ChNg sAiD i cAn dO wiThOuT tHe bRaCeS fOr mY LoWeR tEeTh sO nOt onLi i gEt tO eScApE fRoM pAiN tOrTuRe iN mY LoWeR tEeTh, i gOt tO sAvE aS weLL!! cHeErS tO mY dEnTiSt!!~ oF cOuRsE, oN tOp oF tt i sTiLL gEt mY riGhTfuL diScOuNt cOs iT's tHeiR fAuLt tOo..

    aNoThEr rEaSoN fOr mi tO fEeL jOyFuL iS tt tHeY dEciDe tO siMpLiFy tHe jOb n mAkE mi sUfFeR LeSs cOs tHeY uNdErStoOd i duN wAnNa gO tHru aLL tHoSe LoNg sHiTtY pRoCeSsEs aGaiN.. sO iF eVeRyThiNg gOeS weLL, i wiLL hAv tHoSe bRaCkEtS rEmOvEd b4 XmAs.. pLuS i gEt tO pAy LeSs iF tHe pRoCeSs sHoRtEnS.. sO Dr ChNg pRoMiSeD mi tt hE'LL tRy hiS bEsT tO n mAkE mi suFfEr LeSs bOtH fiNaNciaLLy n pHySiCaLLy.. =D

    hE kEpT sAyiNg," wOw, sHoRtEr tHaN eXpEcTeD.."

    tHeReFoRe, i guEsSeD hE tRiEd tO sPeEd uP bY cOrReCtiNg tHe mAjOr eRrOrS tOdAe.. a tOuGh oNe i muSt sAy.. mY 2 pRobLeMaTiC n sTuBbOrN cAniNeS.. i aLrEaDy feLt tHe tEnSiOn wHeN hE diD tHe bRaCeS fOr mi, i kNeW tt tOdAe n tHe nXt fEw dAyS wOuLd bE vErY pAiNfuL fOr mi.. LoOk aT tHe pHoTo aGaiN, oNe oF mY cAniNeS hAs aLrEaDy bEeN cOrReCtEd!! iN juS a fEw hOuRs!! tt eXpLaiNs y iT's sO pAiNfuL..

    tOoK aN aFtNoOn nAp juS nOw n i gOt wAkEn uP bY tHe aChE iN mY tEeTh!!! i'Ve gOt nO cHoiCe buT tO pOp a PanadoL eXtRa tO eAsE tHe pAiN..

    diDn hAv a pRopEr mEaL tOdAy aT aLL.. i sHouLd hAv eAtEn a fuLL bReAkfAsT.. hMm.. hAd a hArD bOiLeD eGg fOr bReAkFaSt b4 i LeFt fOr NUH.. mY kiNd MuM did iT fOr mi.. hAd a fEw sLiCeS oF pOtaToEs fOr LuNcH.. iF mY mUm diDn cOoK tt diSh tOdAy, i wOuLd hAv pRaCtiCaLLy nTh tO eAt cOs i cAn eAt nTh!! diNnEr eVeN wOrSe, i hAd tO aSk mY dAd tO bOiL mi cArRoTs n caLifLoWeRs uNtiL tHeY're suPeR sOfT n i hAd saLaD n a fEw piEcEs oF tHe sOfT fiSh..

    aLriGhT, i pAiD fOr mY vAniTy pRiCe.. bOtH pHySiCaLLy n fiNaNciaLLy.. LeT's juS hOpE eVeRyThiNg wiLL gO sMoOthLy fRoM tiS pOiNt oNwArDs.. pLeAsE..

    the beauty exposed ;


    hAvEn bLoG fOr sO LoNg.. buT nOw, i'M bAcK wiF mOrE pHoToS!!!

    buT dEn LeT mi sTaRt wiF mY dAiLy uPdAtE fiRsT.. wEnT fOr mY Biotherm pArT-tiMe jOb iNtErViEw yEsT.. LOREAL cOmPaNy.. sEeMs quiTe biG n eStAbLiShEd.. diDn nOe tt tHeRe wErE sO mAnY bRaNdS uNdEr LOREAL.. tHoSe fAmOuS oNeS, cOsMeTiCs oNeS, fAciaL oNeS, hAiRcArE oNeS.. aLoT!! suCh aS shu uemura, Biotherm, Cacharel, Garnier etc etc..

    CaRoL, mY eX-sUpErViSoR, aRrAnGeD iT fOr mi.. sHe toLd mi tHeY weLcOmEd mOrE sTaFFs.. sO i fiLLeD uP mY fOrM, wAiTeD, anD dEn mEt uP wiF tHeiR mAnAgEr.. hOwEvEr, duNnO y, tHe mAnAgEr juS gAvE mi aN eXpReSsiOnLeSs LoOk, n tHe wHoLe iNtErViEw juS mAdE mi fEeL tt sHe'S nOt kEeN tO eMpLoY mOrE sTaFFs(mAyBe cOs sHe'S a sTeRn LoOk n sHe dOeSn sMiLe??).. buT aNyWaY, sHe toLd mi tt tHeY duN rEaLLi nEeD fuLL-tiMe sTaFFs, wHiCh i'M nOt aPpLyiNg fOr.. hOwEvEr, duE tO hoLiS, aLoT oF Biotherm sTaFFs cAn mAkE iT fOr wOrK sO sHe toLd mi iF i wAnNa eArN mOrE, sHe dOeSn tiNk iT's pOsSibLe.. iN oThEr wOrDs, iF i wErE tO bE eMpLoYeD, i wOuLd mOsT pRoB wOrK a fEw dAyS pEr wEeK oR siMpLy, i'LL juS bE a sTaNd-iN.. iT wAs a suPeR sHoRt n iNfOrMaL iNtErViEw.. n i gOtTa wAiT fOr tHeiR caLL.. aPpArEntLy, tHeY hAvEn caLL yEt.. i wOnDeR iF i gOt tHe jOb?? i aM LoSiNg tHe eNtHuSiAm tO wOrK aLrEaDy.. hMm..

    i wAs sO aLoNe aFtEr mY iNtErViEw.. cOs iT wAs wAy tOo eArLy tO mEeT uP wiF tHe rEsT.. sO i rOaMeD aRd iN oRcHaRd aimLeSsLy.. fiNaLLy, aFtEr rOaMiNg aRd iN ciNeLeiSuRe, i feLt tHe sOrEnEsS iN mY aNkLe (i waLkeD nOn-sToP fOr 3 hOuRs k!!) n i dEciDeD tO siT ouTsiDe BK n wAiT fOr viO siNcE iT's aLmOsT tiMe n sHe'S rEaChiNg.. i diDn teLL aNyOnE wHt hApPeNeD nXt.. buT dEn cOs i didN rEaLLi nOe hOw tO hAndLe tHe siTuAtiOn, i caLLeD pS.. buT sHe did nOt picK uP hEr fOnE.. a diStuRbiNg guY.. buT LuCkiLy, eVeRyThiNg'S oVeR sOoN n viO cAmE.. *pHeW* wHtEvA..

    LatEr On, wE wEnT tO siNg!! YuP.. wE wEnT tO KBox Cineleisure!!!

    weLL, nOt juS tHe 3 oF uS buT tHeM aS weLL!!!

    From Left: rYan's fReN, Linda, JaSpEr, ryAn, rYaN's US fReN

    oH mY gOd, i fOrGoT sOmE oF tHeiR nAmEs.. buT tHeY'rE aLL rYaN's fReNs n cOuSiN LaH.. wE hAd suCh a fuN tiMe siNgiNg!!!

    hMm.. i tOt rYaN's fReN sTuDyiNg iN aMeRiCa(tHe eXtReMe riGhT guY) LoOkEd LiKe oNe oF mY fReN.. hiS sMiLe rEsEmbLeS hEr..

    tiS pHoTo tAkEn bY sOmEoNe wHo diDn nOe hOw tO tK pHoTo.. aPpArEntLy, wE'r nOt rEaDy fOr tt pHoTo LoR.. PS!! hAa..

    oH yAh, aLtHo wE sAnG nOt mUcH buT aT LeAsT, wE fiNaLLy gEt tGt fOr SHE's.. i miSs siNgiNg tHeiR sOnGs!!!

    n rYaN gOt sO hiGh wiF siNgiNg uNtiL tHoSe sOnGs wHiCh hE'd nV hEaRd b4 hE oSo sAnG cRaZiLy.. sO fuNnY!!

    KBox gOt sO coLd (bRgH! fReEziNg!!) LaTeR oN (cOs oF PS?? hAa..) n tHuS wE gOt LaMe n sTaRtEd dOiNg siLLy tHiNgS..

    tOoK sUpEr bO-LiaO pHoTo.. oKiE oKiE.. iT's mY iDeA..

    aNyWaY, kiNd rYaN gAvE uS a LiFt tO HoLLaNd V wHeRe tHeY hAd tHeiR diNpEr (diNnEr cuM suPpEr) n mi n viO wAiTeD fOr mY bRo tO sEnD uS bAcK.. wE hAd fuN cRiTiCiZiNg rYaN's dRiViNg (tOo bAd hE wAnNa dRiVe biG cAr, Honda OdEsSeY) n tHe "oiLy" tAbLe.. n tHeN, hOmE!!

    nOtiCe i diDn mEnTiOn mY dEaR aNdReW tHrUoUt tHe wHoLe bLoG?? miSsiNg? nOpE.. cOs mY dEaR iS LiKe iN tHe "Lei2 hOu2 mAh1" (hOw r u iN cAnTo) zOnE.. YuP, hE's iN tHe cAnToNeSe zOnE.. Hong KoNg!!!! wiF hiS mUm, tHeY wEnT tO viSiT fReNs.. a pLaCe wHeRe u "mAi dOnG xi, cHi dOng xi" aLL tHe tiMe!! i sOoOo wAnT tO gO!! buT i dOuBt mY pArEnTs aLLoW.. aNyWaY, i kiNdA miSs hiS cOmPaNy..

    FoRtuNaTeLy, tHeRe'S sTh caLLeD sMs n auTo-rOaMinG.. aLriGhT, i nOe iT's eX buT wE didN cHaT LoNg aNyWaY.. hE caLLeD tHe fiRsT nigHt n bOtH oF uS r wAtChiNg tHe FrEnCh CuP (TeNniS) oN ScV.. hEaRd fR hiM tt hE wEnT sHoPpiNg fOr mi.. hAa.. buT dEn, i sTiLL pReFer tO sHoP mYseLf aLtHo i LiKe tHe iDea tt hE's buYiNg sTuFFs bAcK fOr mi.. sHoPpiNg iS oNe oF tHoSe fEw aCtiViTiEs (oR sHaLL i caLL pRoJeCt? hAa..) oN eArTh wHiCh u eNjOy bOtH tHe pRoCeSs n pDt!!! aNiWaE, tHx dEaR!!

    tOkiNg aBt FrEnCh cUp.. iT wAs sO diShEaRtEniNg fOr fErDeReR.. hE's suCh a gOoD pLaYeR yEt hE's nOt oNe oF tHe tOp 2 pLaYeRs iN tHe fiNaL.. yAh, NaDaL iS nOt bAd tOo i aGrEe buT dEn tOkiNg aBt eXpEriEnCe, NaDaL iS juS 19.. hOwEvEr, tHe miRacLe iS tt tHe oVeRwEiGhT n uNdEr-tRaiNeD ( tt's wHt tHe mEdiA sAiD, nOt mi..)PuErTa cAn eNtEr tHe fiNaL.. wHt iS tiS mAn??!! oF cOuRsE, wiF tiS kiNdA oPpOnEnT, nVtHeLeSs, nAdaL wOn!! hE's quiTe gD tOo, juS tt i sTiLL pReFeR FeDeReR..

    oH yAh, LaSt sAt, i wEnT tOwN.. fiNaLLy, i bRaCeD mYseLf tO sTeP iNtO tHe "Great Singapore Sale" aReA.. pReViOusLy, i kEpT spLuGiNg n tHuS i wAnNa rEsTriCt mYseLf fR sPeNdiNg tOo muCh.. i miSsEd tHe bEgiN oF GSS.. i tOt siNcE i miSsEd tHe sTaRt Le, wHt'S LeFt nOw muSt bE sTuFfS i duN rEaLLi LiKe/wAnT sO i mAsTeReD tHe cOuRaGe tO gO tOwN.. buT i wAs wRoNg..

    aSk mi, aSk mi, y iSn'T iT piNk?? cOs i fiNd tiS gReEn niCeR tHaN tHe piNk oNe aLtHo tHe piNk oNe LoOkS niCe tOo.. bEsiDeS, i hAv aLoT oF piNk sHoEs aLrEaDy.. i bOuGhT a tOp tOo, a piNk oNe, iT's vErY niCe n vErY cHeaP!! $13 onLi.. mOrE tHaN 50% diSc oN tHe oRiGiNaL pRiCe!! nV tOoK tHe piC tHo.. hMm.. weLL, aLtHo i sPeNt, buT i sToPpEd hErE fOr e dAy..

    n i gOt a suRpRiSe!! dEaRiE gAvE mi tHeSe 2 cuTe LiTtLe pUpPiEs n a bOx fuLL oF tHe Fish & Co. Endearment minT sWeEtS b4 hE LeFt fOr HK.. sO niCe iF hiM.. buT i dOuBt iT cAn bE fiNiShEd aNytiMe nEaR fuTuRe.. cOs i'M nOt a rEaLLi CanDy pErSoN buT i LiKe tHe Fish & Co. sWeEtS tHo..

    BaBy, cOmE bAcK sOoN k?? miSs yA..

    beLoW r tHe pHoToS i tOoK aT pArTy wOrLd tt tiMe.. tHe guYs oRgAniZeD a biRtHdAy ouTtiNg fOr dEaRiE.. nV uPLoAd tt tiMe sO hErE u gO..

    From Left: BJ, BJ's gf, mi, andrew, JH, Peter, YGuang, Joel, CG and Ivan.

    weLL, tt'S aLL fOr tOdaY.. iT's a LoNg bLoG aLrEaDy.. tAtAz..

    the beauty exposed ;


    Updated Jean's Data of the Day

    Results: Satisfactory (But of course, can be better lah!)

    Braces: Progressing very very well! (Fast! i shall have them on by nxt fri and it's those kinda ceremic ones!)

    Job interview: Postponed to nxt Mon (tink i shall be able to get the job..)

    Overall performance: Super satisfactory

    Overall mood of the day: Happy HappY!! YY was saying i'm crazy for being happy.. haa..)

    ~End of Update~

    Yes. I feel much much happier than before. Maybe it's just that things began to fall into place ever since yesterday. Yesterday, all my trouble seems so far away... (Ok lah, today oso quite far away)
    Yesterday. I got my results. I am happy for getting my first A+ for my first year in NUS. In fact, I was over the moon, just that my chinese modules pulled down my overall CAP. Similarly, last sem Econs pulled down my CAP, or else, my CAP would have been much better. Hmm.. But then, no choice lah, no use looking back. Let's just hope that next sem I will be able to produce much better results. But then, I am still quite happy with my results cos the modules I took this sem are much much more diff than the previous ones. I thought I won't be able to pass lor.

    Yesterday. I went to NUH for dental review. It is a long story. Summary is my previous dentists didn't do a good job and my teeth tissues can't adapt to the new arrangement. Anyway, the main issue is to save time, I wanna save the hassle of queing up all over again. Fortunately, Andrew's uncle is able to help me in this. He got the best dentist to review my case, together with the Graduate's Department director(since my case is done by those postgraduate dentist). Although I gotta go back to the same dept to rebond my teeth(sounds like hair rebonding hor? haa..) , but only in this way will they manage to give me a rebate!! I am doing it at a super low price. Ok lah, not super, but to me, reasonable. And that's enough. My main concern is time. I dun wanna que all over again and I dun wan any dilly-dally. They got me a good graduate student I supposed cos yesterday he did everything for me despite the tight timing and his fully-booked appointments. Now, I got my separators on and the next moment, he told me the braces will be up next week! Efficiency. That's wht I see in Dr Chng. I am super grateful to him for listening to me, attending to all my concerns and assuring me about the process. And to Andrew's uncle as well. Without his help, I guess I have to que up all over again, wait and wait and wait, and plus no good dentist n the director will be involved in reviewing my case and admitting it's their fault. But still, Long story. I don't care what happened but I care abt wht's gonna happen. So, I'm still quite happy with the arrangement now.

    kk, i shan tok much now. Tis's a boring entry. haa.. Take Care!

    the beauty exposed ;


    Wednesday afternoon. A nice cooling day after a pouring rain in the morning.

    I was at ease after brunch, enjoying the thick but interesting book "Dog Stories" by James Herriots in the comfy of my bed with Snowie beside me until a din broke out in the living room, wrecking the peaceful silence. My divided conscience gave a summary of the commotion outside. It was between my mother and my brother.


    It had always been like that whenever my mother is around in the house. Even before the din, she had come into my room, not just once or twice, to give a long nagging lecture on this and that, intruding into my story. At that moment, it seemed that I had suddenly been transformed into an actress or whatsoever. I had to act ignorant, otherwise, my patience will definitely give way. It has its limit. It would do nothing good for the both of us, or at least to me. Tolerance had also become part of the main cast behind the scene, since donkey years ago. No one promises that this will be easy. The same goes to my brother, who practises more patience and tolerance than me.

    Before I knew it, my brother stormed into my room and shouted in a rage,"If I got money, I'll go out and never come back!" With this, he fled into his room, banging the door behind him. He seemed rather annoyed. My brother is a nice person by nature, and his patience has always been limitless to me. In another words, it is hard to see him flying in a rage. He is definitely not making an orgy out of nothing. He is damn serious. He is bloody angry. And I mean it.

    My mother, of course, did not realize this and she made the matter worse by saying all her unreasonable stuffs when she heard what my brother had said. "Right." I was thinking. "Only you, yourself, are always right." Even my good-tempered brother is so pissed off at you and you are still always the ever-right person in the whole wide world. I wasn't angry at her or whatsoever(Maybe abit?). What I mean is No One is Right ALL THE TIME. She just doesn't get it. She always expect us to think that she is right all the time. She argued with us the minor things in the world. You mean those minor stuffs are more precious than kinship and family ties in the whole wide world? You must be kidding, my mother.

    I felt so "injusticed" and sorry for my brother although sometimes I myself also got into this kind of conflicts with her. I tried speaking up for my brother. And what do I get in the end?? I got myself involved and she started saying,"Ni ye shi lah!(You are also like that lah!)" So much for clearing the air between them.

    This is so ironic. She doesn't want us to be away from home all the time yet she destroys the peace when we are at home. If you want warmth at home, why create a din? How would you expect us to feel at home? Then, would we wanna be at home if home is such a place? This is exactly what my brother meant. "If I got money, I will go out and never come back!". Simple words and sentence, but it speaks more than what the surface means.

    And if you are wondering what they are quarrelling about, it is just over a bowl of green bean soup. Yes, tini winy stuff like that. I wouldn't wanna go into the exact details of the story though. It is the usual cliche of my mother.

    Cheers to the bowl of green bean soup. I think it is the ultimate winner and spectator of the whole "match". You win. But come to think of it, kinship losing to a bowl of green bean soup? It just sux. Big time.

    Unhappy and mentral-cramped Jean signing off.

    the beauty exposed ;

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