<body> Lost In Beauty-
...she's Beautiful

Jeanie Chu
NUS Undergraduate

...Beauty ProDucts

Good book
Good music
Still Wishing

...Other beauties

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YingYi (Yy 2)
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    ...Lost in beauty

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2


    mY sAt hAs pAsSeD.. wKeNd'S gOnNa eNd.. n hErE i M, sPeNdiNg tHe LaSt oF tiS wKeNd rEaDiNg mY uNfiNiShEd rEaDiNgS.. sEriOusLy, tHe rEaDiNgS r nV-eNdiNg n tHe onLi wAy tO cOpE wiF tHe hEaVy wOrkLoAd iS tO deLeTe tHe wOrD "aCcuMuLaTiOn" iN uR diCtiOnArY.. kEeP uP! nV sToP!! i guEsSeD tiS iS hOw FASS wOrKs.. rEaD, rEaD n nV sToP rEaDiNg! nO wOnDeR cHiNg guAn feLt sTrEsSeD bY FASS mOduLe.. hE "fAiNtEd" wHiLe sMs-iNg mi tO eNquiRe aBt tHe aMt oF rEaDiNgs wE hAd tO dO siNcE hE wAs tKiNg a mOduLe wHiCh iS siMiLaR tO FASS's sOciE.. aLtHo i nV tOoK tt mOduLe b4 buT wE aLL nOe hOw tHe rEaDiNg sYsTeM wOrKs iN FASS.. wE r tHe oNeS wHo hAd nO cHoiCe buT tO bE fAmiLiAriZeD wiF tHe cEnTraL LiBrArY.. n nOw, wE r eXpErTs!! hAa..

    tAkiNg a bReAk fRoM aLL tHoSe rEaDiNgS riTe nOw..

    aNyWay, yEsT wAs Mr tOnG's wEdDiNg aT FoO cHoW MeThOdiSt cHuRcH iN LittLe iNdiA.. aLriGhT, LeT's puT aLL tHe jOkEs aSiDe (i aSsuMe u nOe tHe "coLoUr" jOkE i mEaN.. sOrRy!).. tHe bRiDe, sHoCkiNgLy, iS sOmEoNe wE nOe! MiSs LaU! aLtHo sHe nV tAuGhT uS b4, sHe'S tHe HOD oF mAtHeMaTiCs bAcK dEn..

    oLd cLaSsMaTeS, eX-tEaChErS.. LoTsA fAmiLiAr fAcEs, LoTsA cAtChiNg uP.. n i fOrGoT tO bRiNg mY cAm, buT LuCkiLy i hAd mY beLoVeD W800i wiF mi! YeAh! wiLL upLoAd tHe pHoTos tGt wiF tHoSe tAkEn bY tHe oThErS sOmEtYm LaTeR.. tHe guYs, aS uSuaL.. wHt i caLL dOmiNo eFfEcT -- oNe nV cOmE, aLL duN cOmE.. eXcEpT fOr tHe mOrE siNcErE oNeS LaH.. n tiS eFfEcT cAuSeD viO tO fLy iN a rAgE -- cOs sHe bOuGhT sTh fOr sOmEoNe.. hAiZ, eXpEcTeD.. buT aNyWaY, wE hAd a fuN tYm oVeRaLL! tt'S wHt mAtTeRs.. BeSt wiShEs tO tHe nEwLy wEdS, tHeY fLyiNg tO PaRiS oN moN, eNvY!

    dRiNk, dRaNk, dRuNk!! nOpE, i nV dRinK yEsT.. wEnT tO wAtCh tiS mOViE hiGhLy rEcOmMeNdEd bY pS.. oKiE LaH.. mAyBe i eXpEcT tOo muCh, didn fiNd iT vErY hiLaRiOuS, buT sTiLL fiNd iT sAtiSfAcToRy.. mAyBe i LiKe sHoWs bY MiRiAm.. n i LiKe Wu YaN zU! hAa.. buT tHeRe'S oNe pArT oF tHe sHoW wHiCh tRiGgErEd mY sAdNeSs sO suDdEnLy.. hMm..

    mOviE aSiDe, wEnT sHoPpiNg tOo, b4 tHe sHoWs sTaRt.. n i buMpEd iNtO YY n hEr fReNs.. n iT wAs mY hAiR wHiCh mAdE LeiYaN rEaLiZeD iT's mi.. hAa.. aNyWaY, iNtEnD tO wiNdOw sHoP buT eNdEd uP buYiNg quiTe sOmE sTuFfS.. uH oH...... buT dEn, i LiKe tHeM!! =P

    pOoL aT niTe, wiF dEaRiE onLi.. iT wAs LoAdS oF fuN!! cOs wE pLaY puNcH, n i wOn!! hAa.. nXt tYm, i wiLL pLaY wiF JuN hAo aGaiN n i'M suRe tO wiN!! muAhAhAhA..

    yAh, sEe, i hAd eNuFf pLaY yEsT, sO tOdAe iS sTudYiNg dAy.. sTuDyiNg suNdAy..

    the beauty exposed ;


    i cAnT gEt tO sLeP.. i wOnDeR iF iT iS duE tO M-cRaMp, mY sLeP-wAkE cYcLe oR sTh eLsE??

    sTh eLsE.. hMm.. i wAs tOkiN aBt hApPy hApPy tiMeS tGt yEsT, oR rAtHeR 2 dAyS aGo (siNcE iT's LiKe 2aM iN e wEe hRs oF wEd mOrN)..n nOw, hErE i m, suLkiNg..

    tHeRe'S a sAyiNg wHiCh gOeS "tHe oNe u LuV wiLL bE tHe oNe wHo wiLL huRt u mOsT".. iT's aN iRoNy yEt nO oNe diSaGrEeS.. tHe iNtEnSiTy oF tHe rEsuLt wiLL bE muCh muCh mOrE tHaN wHt oNe wiLL iMaGiNe.. nO mAtTeR hOw sMaLL tHe bLoW iS, hOw sMaLL tHe pRoB iS, hOw sMaLL tHe aRguMeNt iS.. iF iT's oThEr ppL, u miGhT nOt eVeN bOtHer aT aLL.. mAyBe tt eXpLaiNs y iT fEeLs sO huRtFuL, cOs iN tHe wHoLe wiDe wOrLd, tHeRe's onLi oNe pErSoN wHo cAn huRt u in tiS wAy, aT tt mOmEnT iN tiMe..

    iT's eAsY tO faLL iN LuV, buT iT's haRd tO mAiNtAiN a reLaTiOnShiP -- iT nEeDs mOrE tHaN juS LuV.. C'mOn, LeT's aDmiT iT, wE'rE gReEdY hOmOsApiEnS, wE wAnT mOrE tO tt.. a reLaTiOnShiP iS a pAcKaGe wHiCh cOnTaiNs sEcOnDaRy iTeMs bEsiDeS tHe pRiMaRy sPaRk, LuV.. n, iT's a muTuaL cOmMiTtMeNt..

    tHeRe's nO riGhT oR wRoNg iN a reLaTiOnShiP..

    aNyWay, i hOpE i'M fEeLiNg n gEtTiNg bEtA.. u tOo..

    the beauty exposed ;


    HaPpY beLaTeD 8tH mOnTh mY dEaRiE!!

    n tHx fOr tt gReAt, siNfuL & eRm, nOt cHeAp tReAt oN sAt!! hAa.. aLtHo iT's aBiT beLaTeD bY dEn, iT's sTiLL a pAcT wE'vE mAdE - nO mAtTeR hOw bZ wE r, we'LL hAv a mEaL tGt oN eVeRy 18tH!!

    wE wEnT tO TuNg LoK sEaFoOd aReNa.. nOt tt mEaTy mEaL buT vErY sEaFoOd-Y.. tt'S tHeiR sEaFoOd pLaTtEr( bTw, hOw'S tHe iMaGe fRoM mY fOnE cAmErA?)!! aNiWaE, dEaRiE oSo bOuGhT 2 bOxEs oF mY fAv sNoWsKiN mOoNcAkE fRoM tHe rEsTaUrAnT fOr mY fAmiLy!! n oF aLL tHe sNoWsKiN mOoNcAkEs i'D eAtEn, tuNg LoK's tHe bEsT!! aLtHo tHe sTaNdArD sEeMs tO hAv dRoPpEd aBiT, buT nVtHeLeSs, i sTiLL LiKe iT.. tHx dEaR!!

    n tOdAe, tuiTiOn cAnCeLLeD aT e LaSt miN.. iF i hAd kNoWn eArLiEr i wOuLd hAv gOnE tO pS's pLaCe Le LoR.. buT i wAs aLrEaDy oN mY wAy tO gRaNnY's hSe wHeN i caLLeD mY sTuDeNt tO cOnFiRm.. sHe cOuLdN mAkE iT pLuS sHe's hAviNg a tEsT tmL n tHuS, sHe nEeDs tO sTuDy.. sO i juS hAnG ouT aT mY gRaNnY's..

    aFt gRaNnY's, i jOiNeD mY pArEnTs tO buKiT tiMaH fOr a jOg.. oKiE, mAyBe iT wAs juS mi jOgGiNg iN e eNd.. gD fOr mi cOs i cAn wOrK ouT aLL tHoSe eXtRa caLoRiEs i'D tAkEn iN duRiNg e wKeNd.. buT e bAd tHiNg iS, iT's nOt rEaLLy iDeaL fOr jOgGiNg, tHe pAth iS wAy tOo sTeEp.. tOo muCh enErGy uP e hiLL n tHe fEaR oF stuMbLiNg & roLLiNg dOwN.. dEspiTe tiS, iT's eXceLLeNt fOr buiLdiNg uP uR caLvEs.. hAa..

    hMm.. tOt iT wOuLd bE a hEcTiC wK fOr mi cOs i haVeN cOmpLeTe mY cHi tut rEaDiNgS buT i fOuNd ouT tt tHe cHi mOduLeS tuT wiLL onLi sTaRt fRoM wK 5 oNwArDs! wHiCh mEaNs i wiLL onLi aTtEnD 2 1hR sEsSiOn tut tiS wK.. hOw sLaCk iS tt?!!

    aLriGhT, i cAnT LeT mYseLf sLaCk, gO gO gO, sTuDy sTuDy sTuDy!!

    the beauty exposed ;


    i'M quiTe tiReD n i'M gg tO sLeP sOoN.. hAd a LaTe LeC tOdAe n wEnT tO gYm.. sO i guEsSeS i'LL juS giV a suMmArY b4 i sLeP siNcE iT's bEeN quiTe sOmEtYm i bLoGgEd..

    bEwiTcHeD oN sAt wiF tHe gErS n mY dEaRiE.. fiNd iT fuNni aT fiRsT buT iT bEcAmE a LiTtLe bOriNg LaTeR oN, a LiTtLe cRaPpY tOo.. buT i LiKe NiCoLe kiDmAn.. sHe'S a bEaUtY, nOt tHoSe pReTtY kiNd buT bEaUtiFuL kiNd..

    aNyWaY, i bOuGhT mY dReAm pHoNe oN sAt aS weLL.. sAt sTaRhuB rOaDsHoW.. iT's gEtTiNg quiTe mEsSy n uNoRgAniZeD, aBiT ouTtA hAnD.. mAyBe tHeY shLd rEaLLi LeArN fR SiNgTeL oN tHe cUsToMeR sErViCe aRrAy.. n i sAw ciNdY wOrKiNg!! sO gLaD tO c hEr! mY cOuSiN's tHeRe tOo buT sHe wAs tOo bZ.. weLL, i LuV mY W800i!! iT's rEaLLi cOoL!! simpLy LuV iT!!

    n i dYeD mY hAiR.. aLtHo iT's rEaLLi fAr fRoM wHt i dEsiRe, i'M oK wiF iT.. juS mAkE dO wiF iT fOr aWhiLe.. guEsS i'LL LeAvE tHe cErEmiC pErM tO eNd oF tHe yR.. hMm.. YY juS toLd mi cErEmiC, diGiTaL n sPa pErM nOt tHe sAmE!! i didN nOe tt, bEtA cHeCk iT ouT b4 i dO..

    dEaRiE's dOwN wiF a fLu.. pOoR tHiNg.. hOpE u rEaLLi gEt fuLLy weLL sOoN!! vErY vErY sOoN!! tHx fOr tHe m'pHoSiS sAnDaLs n piNk sKiRt tOdAe.. tOtaLLy LuV iT!!!

    *JeAn iS faLLiNg asLeP* i'LL juS eNd oFf hErE, wiLL uPdAtE aGaiN.. i'M rEaLLi tiReD.. buT oVeRaLL, i'M hApPy tOdAy!! hOpE mY fReNs r tOo!! n weLL, wiSh mi gD LuCk fOr tuT baLLoT tmL!! i wAnNa gEt aLL mY sLoTs!!!

    fiNaLLy, niTeZ!!!

    the beauty exposed ;


    i wAs a fAnAtiC oF RoaLd DauL's bOoKs bAck tHeN.. n i hAd tiS oNe..

    i rEm buYiNg tHe bOoK n rEaDiNg iT oVeR n oVeR n oVer aGaiN wHeN i wAs iN pRi 5? yAh i tiNk sO.. i LoVe tHe bOoK.. aLtHo i'M nOt a hOt fAn oF cHoCoLaTe, i'M hOt oVeR tiS bOoK..

    weLL, mY cOuSiN wAnNa wAtCh iT n tGt wiF mY bRo n aNdReW, wE cAtChEd iT iN wEsTmaLL oN wEd.. mOviE wAs sO-sO, i sTiLL LiKe tHe bOoK bEsT..

    tOkiNg aBt mOviEs, i tiNk i'M vErY uPdAtEd nOwAdAyS.. eVeN tHe sNeAk pReViEw oF The MaiD -- iT diDn sNeAk fRoM mi!!

    i'M a hOrRoR mOviE cRaZe.. i'Ve wAtChEd mAnY mAnY mAnY hOrRor mOViEs n i gOtTa sAy tiS iS a nOt-BaD mOviE.. aBv mY eXpEcTiOnS.. pRoBabLy bEcOs i eXpEcT LeSs fRoM a LoCaL pRoDuCtiOn, buT dEspiTe iT bEiNg LoCaLLy pRoDuCeD, i muSt sAy iT's a LoCaLLy JoB weLL dOnE!! *cHeErS* eVeN hAd a sToRy LiNe! mAyBe tHe sCaRy pArTs r aBiT LittLe buT iT's eNuFf fOr mi tO dEcLaRe iT a hOrRoR mOviE.. dEfiNiTeLy! n tHeSe kiNdA gHoSt sToRiEs seLdoM hAv gD pLoT, tiS oNe hAs!

    nOw, tiS oNe.. a cOmEdY!! i wAtChEd iT tHe 1sT dAy iT wAs uP! nOt bAd LaH, cAn bE bEtA.. buT cAn mAkE u LauGh.. tHe nXt mOViE i wAnNa wAtCh iS BeWiTcHeD!! viO n mi mAdE a pAcT tO wAtCh iT tiS wKeNd.. pS, nOw i'M gOnNa aSk u!!

    aNiWaE, i hAd a wOnDeRfuL dAy, oThEr tHaN mY sTuPiD cHi LeC wHiCh wAs cAnCeLLeD.. weLL, u miGhT tiNk tt iT wAs gD, nO sCh mAh? buT dEn, tiS pArTiCuLaR LeCtuReR aPpArAntLy didN eMaiL uS aBt tHe cAnCeLLaTiOn, didN oPeN tHe IVLE (wHiCh mEaNs nO fOruM, nO nTh) n hE onLi sTiCk a sMaLL nOtiCe oN tHe dOoR oF tt LeC rM tt dAy.. n tHe bEsT pArT iS, i tOoK a cAb tO sCh fOr tiS n onLi tiS LeC.. (-.-:) oThErWiSe, i hAd a fReE dAy!! n i hAd tO bRiNg mY sPoRtS gEaR aLoNg cOs i'M gg gYm.. sAd cAsE!!

    buT aNyWaY, tt cAnCeLLeD LeC mEaNs oNe tHiNg -- iT's bAzAaR tiMe!! hAaHaA! LoLx.. sEeMs LiKe iT's eVeN hArDeR tO rEsiSt bAzAaR n cTrL sPeNdiNg duRiNg sCh tErM! pLuS, DeAriE's tOo sWeEt! hE kEpT sPoiLiNg mi LiKe nOoNe'S buSiNeSs!! buT dEn, iT mAdE mi fEeL sO dOtEd oN!! tHx dEaR!! *HuGz*

    yAh, oNe mOrE tHiNg, i'M cRaZy oVeR pOoL!! hEeZ..

    the beauty exposed ;


    HaPpY 40tH BiRtHdAy SiNgApOrE!!!

    HaPpY NaTiOnaL dAy tO aLL gUyS ouT tHeRe!!!

    juS LiKe viO, i LuV Mr Lee Kuan Yew, sO fAtHerLy!!

    aNyWaY, i sPeNt haLf tHe dAy aT gYm tOdAy.. quiTe tiReD tOdAy cOs mY LaSt gYm viSiT wAs LiKe oN sAt n tHuS tOdAy sTiLL quiTe wOobLy iN e LeGs..

    n nOw, juS fiNiShEd wAtChiNg NDP oN tV LiVe.. weLL, i'M aLrEaDy 20 n i'D nV bEeN tO aNy LiVe NDP b4.. hOw sAd iS tt? HaiZ..

    juDgiNg bY mY "tOnE", cAn fEeL sOmE uN-pReTtY-nEsS?? weLL, mY mOoD's uNpReTtY tOdAy.. tOo mAnY tHiNgS hApPeNeD.. sO unLuCkY.. mY fAv pEarLy beLt sPoiLt eTc eTc..

    aLriGhT, LeT's juS sToP tOkiN aBt mi.. nOw i gOt a rAtHeR iMpT tHiNg tO teLL aLL e gErS oUt tHeRe.. mY bRo suGgEsTeD mi puTtiNg tiS oN mY bLoG siNcE i miGhT nOt gO tO tHe poLiCe aFtaLL.. sO..

    The following is a real-life story..

    I received calls from my handphone twice by this man whom I deduced is a sex maniac. The first time he called was about 2 months ago. He intro himself as an officer from the Ministry of Health and he told me I was selected randomly by their computer system to do a survey. I believed him at first since I had been to NUH for my dental few days before and I assumed he had taken my particulars from the hospital. Of course, he had the authority to do so, MOH right?

    It was a survey on Women's Understanding of Breast Cancer and I was asked to answer his questions. He asked alot of awkward questions which left me feeling doubtful about his identity and the whole survey thingy. I won't go into those questions though cos I still felt uneasy about them. In the end, he told me he wanted to guide me through the check for breast lumps even though I had told him upteen times that I knew the process and the detailed steps (Hey I do read all those articles on newspapers n mag k!!). He ignored me and proceed to ask me to lie on my bed (He did ask me if I was home b4 tt). It was revolting! By then, I was 100% sure he was a bian tai!!! I told him I felt uneasy and uncomfortable with his request and I am not gonna do it but he told me my answers were crucial to the women out there. I was like "Yah, but I have the right to choose to discontinue with this survey" and he told me I canot defy cos it is the com system which shortlisted me for the survey. What a LAME reason!! Hello? Even participants from psychological experiments have the rights to terminate the experiment?! I continued with this hot argument and finally he "kap" the phone.

    I was like GREAT, I KNEW IT, BIAN TAI!! U BETTER NOT CALL AGAIN!! Thinking back, the first thing he asked when I picked up the phone was "Who is this?" and he asked me to repeat my no. to him. I gong gong tell him lor. DUH! Where got ppl call to ask who u r n repeat ur no.?? Even if he's really MOH ppl, he will ask NRIC right?

    I was dumb, but u noe once beaten twice shy. I became cleverer yesterday when he called, AGAIN!

    As usual, he asked who I am. I recognized his voice instantly when he said Hello, so I asked back rudely "Who are you?" I should have add an "asshole" behind since I knew it was him but half of me wanted to find out what tis guy is up to again, plus I was shocked and pondering why hadn't he been caught and still "calling" scot-free.

    This time, he said he was calling from a company and that I was one of the final selected women in a Lucky Draw. The prize is like $10 000 worth of Women Fashion vouchers. I was like "Wow! As if."

    Then he proceed to ask me if I know what is "Ling-girl-ly".. I was like HUH? and He repeated "Ling-girl-ly". Disgusted by his command of English, or maybe just his pronunciation, I exclaimed back "You mean Lingerie (pronounced as Laun-ger-rae)?" and he replied "Yah yah". That's it, Loop hole! A big one too! I see fox's tail! (Hu Li Wei Ba Lu Chu Lai Le!!) I was angry at the same time. I didn't wanna hear what he's going to say since Lingerie can be easily connected to sexual stuff. He's definitely getting on my nerves. I asked him to hold on and I told my Dear Andrew who was unaware of my telephone conversation and then I passed the phone to him. That sex maniac hung up immediately once he heard Andrew's voice.

    I should have made a police report hor?? Hmm.. Let's just hope that the BIAN TAI will be caught. Thinking back, I am still hot!

    the beauty exposed ;

    wE wEnT tO K yEsT.. tHe gErS wErE aBiT siAnZ aT fiRsT cOs wE gOt fLy-kiTeD.. buT wE, tHe kTv-cRaZeD cArRiEd oN!!

    tHiNgS sTaRtEd tO gEt aBiT bOrEd aT tHe bEgiNniNg b4 wE gOt hiGh.. poOr pS oSo, sHe'S uNweLL..

    aNyWaY, wE dEciDe tO mAkE ouRseLvEs oCcuPiEd.. sHe mAnAgEd tO giV uS a cuTe fAcE n siLLy fAcE dEspiTe fEeLiNg uNweLL..

    wE gOt cRaZy n hiGh-Er siNcE dEn..

    weLL, i'M aBiT LaZy tO tYpE.. hAa.. sO juS eNjOy tiS pHoTo bLoG!!! n pS, hOpE u R bEtA aLrEaDi!!

    the beauty exposed ;

    <div><a href="http://minorcrisis.net/files/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E8%AF%9D%5B1%5D.mp3">中国话[1].mp3</a></div>
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