Jeanie Chu
NUS Undergraduate
Good book
Good music
Still Wishing
Yy (Yy1)
Jiro Candice
Kyle Murphy
Kaymanism's Art
Kylie's Pride
YingYi (Yy 2)
Lynn MeiLing
Val MeiWei
NUS Homepage
Yada Yada
layout design, coding, photo-editing,
by ice angel
tHe NG pHoTo aBv.. LoOk! wE'r aLL iN bLaDeS!! eXcEpT tHe cAmErA mAn wHo iS mY bRo.. YY hAs iMpRoVeD aLtHo sHe'S sTiLL nEeDs tYm tO wArM uP.. sO aT fiRsT, tHe pHobiA oF faLLiNg dOwN aS sHoWn aBv..
n vioLa! sHe'S gOtTeN uP!!
buT aLaS, sHe feLL dOwN sOmE tYm LaTeR dEspiTe hEr gD aTtEmPt tO cOnQuEr tHe nuMeRouS huMpS iN ECP.. n tHe bAd tHiNg iS sHe sPrAiNeD hEr aNkLe buT LuCkiLy sHe sTiLL cAn waLk.. tt eXpLaiNs y sHe'S nOt iN bLaDeS LaTeR oN iN thE piCs.. n tHe biKe'S bEeN cHaNgEd tO a dOubLe biKe.. i tOt tiS pHoTo wOuLd hAv LoOkEd niCe iF iT's nOt sO bLuR..
n tHe guYs!!!
iT's sO sTupiD iN tHe eNd.. wE wErE quiTe tiRed fRoM bLaDiNg n wE cAmE uP wiF e iDeA oF hoLdiNg oNtO tHe biKe.. iMaGiNe, 3 bLaDeRs hoLdiNg oN tO a dOubLe biKe mOviNg tGt.. mAchiAm LiKE tHe NDP cAr eScOrTiNg tHe pReSidEnT.. wE LoOk LiKe a buNcH oF fOoLs.. buT iT's rEaLLi fuN LaH, n aLL tHoSe jOkEs n cRaPs..
pOoR YY, gg tO bAnGkOk sOoN buT huRt hEr aNkLe.. LuCkiLy iT's nOt tt bAd tiLL u cAnT wALk.. tO sPeEd uP hEr rEcOvErY, wE wEnT tO fOoT rEfLeXoLoGy aT tHe nEaRbY mAriNe pArAdE cEnTraL.. n mi, bEiNg tHe cuRiOuS oNe, tRiEd aS weLL.. mY fiRsT tYm!!
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
dEspiTe tHe fAcT tt i'M quiTe cErTaiN oF gEtTiNg W800i wHiCh iS cOmiNg sOoN.. (CLiCk oN W800i fOr mOrE dEtAiLs), hE sTiLL gOt mi tHe piNk iPoD.. oThEr tHaN tt, dEsPiTe mY fOuL mOoD yEsT, dEspiTe hiS tiMe n mOnEy, dEspiTe mY LoNg rEsiStAnCe, hE sTiLL gOt mi oNe.. i'M juS sPeEchLeSs..
hEy dEaR, i nOe u juS wAnNa giMmE suRpRiSeS n mAkE mi hApPy.. buT u nOe, wiThOuT aNyThiNg i'LL sTiLL bE hApPy wiF u.. tHx fOr mAkiNg mi fEeL sO xiNg Fu!!~ *LuV u LoTsSsSs*
weLL, aNiWaE, hAv a LoOk aT tiS gOrGeOuS hP wHiCh cAtCHeS mY aTtEnTiOn..
the beauty exposed ;
wiF pS aT NUS!! YuP, aFtEr sEnDiNg viO hOmE, pAsSeD bY NUS tO pS hSe n sAw niCe LiGhTs oN tReEs.. suPpOsEd tO hAv vErY bEaUtifuL LiGhTs oN tHe tReEs buT tHe cAm juS cAnT cApTuRe..
oH yAh, nOe hEr??
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;