Jeanie Chu
NUS Undergraduate
Good book
Good music
Still Wishing
Yy (Yy1)
Jiro Candice
Kyle Murphy
Kaymanism's Art
Kylie's Pride
YingYi (Yy 2)
Lynn MeiLing
Val MeiWei
NUS Homepage
Yada Yada
layout design, coding, photo-editing,
by ice angel
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
bE sTroNg dEaR gEr!! i'LL aLwAyS bE hErE shLd u nEeD mi.. *hUgZ*
the beauty exposed ;
sTuDy hArD ppL!!!
the beauty exposed ;
i sOrT oF aNyHoW sCaN tt nEwS sO iF u aLL r rEaLLi iNtErEsTeD, mAyBe u shLd gO n rEaD iT oR mAyBe u shLd rEaD tHe LaDy'S bLoG (cLiCk hErE).. aNiWaE, fR tiS iNciDeNt, iT cAn bE sEeN tt rUmOuRs cAn bE sO eViL n pOwErFuL aT tHe sAmE tYm.. sOmE tHiNgS wHiCh diD nOt eXiSt iN tHe fiRsT pLaCe cAn bE pReSeNt aFt tOnS oF gOsSiPpiNg.. juS LiKe wHt tHeY sAy, tHe cOmpLaiNt tHe LeCtUrEr gOt eTc.. iT's nOt tHe cAsE, nOt aT aLL.. tHeReFoRe, wE hAv tO bE cArEfuL wiF tHe mOsT pOwErFuL mEdiA eVeRy mAn pOsSeSsEs -- tHe mOuTh n tHe buCcaL cAviTy!!!!!
aCtuaLLy, iF iT hAd bEeN suCcEsSfuL, tHiNgS miGhT nOt hAv tuRn ouT tiS wAy??hMm.. i gUeSs wE hAv tO tiNk tWiCe bEfOrE ouR aCtiOnS.. n bE mOrE sEnSiTiVe.. oKiE, tt'S aBt iT.. iT's oVeR.. LeT's juS LeArN fR iT n sToP kAyPo-iNg aBt iT LaH.. iT's aS bAd aS iT cAn bE aLrEaDy.. sO i shaLL sToP gOsSipPiN aBt iT tOo.. hEh..
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;