Jeanie Chu
NUS Undergraduate
Good book
Good music
Still Wishing
Yy (Yy1)
Jiro Candice
Kyle Murphy
Kaymanism's Art
Kylie's Pride
YingYi (Yy 2)
Lynn MeiLing
Val MeiWei
NUS Homepage
Yada Yada
layout design, coding, photo-editing,
by ice angel
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
hAa.. JeAn sTiLL iN sCh LeH.. hOpE iT wOnT pOuR hEaViLy bUt tOniGhT wiLL suReLy bE a gD niTe tO sLeP!! yEaH!! yEsT niTe tOo bUt tOo bAd JeAn nOt vErY weLL yEsT cOs JeAn wAs hAviNg a sEriOuS hEadAchE n duN fEeL tt weLL yEsT.. bUt i LuV tt kiNdA cOoL niTe!!
miCrObEs tEsT juS pAsS n JeAn tOt iT's oK uNtiL aFt sOmE tOts, JeAn miGhT nOt dO weLL aFt aLL.. hMm.. duNnO.. wHt's oVeR iS oVeR.. JeAn wOnT wAnNa tiNk aBt iT Le.. hOpEfuLLy, iT'LL tUrN oUt oKiE.. iF nOt, gUeSs JeAn muSt wAkE uP n dO weLL iN tHe fiNaL yR eXaM!! nOw juS duN cArE?! =X JeAn gOtta ruSh a pRoJeCt aFt tOdAe'S tEsT!! oH mY gOd!! hOw tO bAi a 2500 eSsAy iN tHeSe fEw dAyS.. iT's cOmpLeTeLy iNsAnE!! oH yAh, viO juS LeFt mi.. sOrRy viO, i nV aCc u tOdAe.. nXt tYm k?
JeAn aCtUaLLi hAd a LoNg LoNg cHaT wiF viO oN mOn n i fEeL aLoT aLoT bEtA.. wE tOk aBt pRaCtiCaLLy aLmOsT eVeRyThiNg uNdeR tHe sUn.. i gUeSs viO feLt gD tOo? cOs tiS 2 buDDiEs hAvEn bEeN tOkiN sO iN dEpTh fOr suCh a LoNg tYm n wE pRoMiSe tO tOk oN tHe fOnE tOo? hAa.. tHx gEr!! n tHx tO tHoSe wHo aSk aBt mi tOo.. uR sMsEs cOnSoLeD mi.. rEaLLi tOuChEd!! mY bLoG hAs sUcH a gReAt eFFeCt!!
oH yAh, viO hAd LuNcH iN tHe sCi fAc cAnTeEn n wE hAd JuNe wiF uS tiS tiMe.. :) n sHe rEmiNdEd mi i gOttA dO sTh tO mY hAiR tOo? LoLx.. mY coLouR fAdiNg.. hAa.. pUrpLe? gReEn? juS LiKe viO's sis hAiR? aNyWaY, viO's sis b-DaY tmL? HapPi BiRtHdAy tO hEr tHru viO!! *diAoZ*
i duN rEaLLi dArE tO sLeP yEsT niTe cOs i dOwnLoAd tHe "oNe miSsEd caLL" riNgToNe n i fEeL cReEpY aLL oF a suDdEn!! iT sOunDeD sO LiKe tHe rEaL oNe!! duNnO wHt i'M tOkiNg aBt? hAa.. gO n wAtCh tHe sHoW dEn u wiLL nOe.. jEaN wAnNa wAtCh "tHe gRuDgE"!! hAa.. yAh, JeAn rEcOmMeNd a wEbBy!! iT's tHriLLiNg!! gO hAv a LoOk!! n pLaY wiF iT!!
pS's siCkNeSs oK Le mAh? aNyWay, mOi pArEnTs gg aWaY tO cHiNa wiF mY gRaNdpA n reLaTiVeS tiS wKeNd tiLL nXt wK!! hEeZ.. it'LL bE mi n mOi bRo "tiAn xiA" dEn!! bUt JeAn wiShEs MuM n dAd yi Lu shUn fEnG!!
oH, gg tO c MaUrEeN tiS wK? duNnO LeH.. YY duN LoOk oK nOwAdAyS.. sTrEsS? hMm.. duNnO.. shLd aSk hEr oNe oF tiS dAyS.. did caLL cHriS tt tiMe.. aSkiNg hEr aBt tiS sHoEs fR C&K JeAn LiKeS, it'S iN CLEO tOo.. wAh, n JeAn gOt iT!! LuV iT!! ;) tiNk JeAn gOt qUiTe sOmE tHiNgS tOo.. tiS JaP-LiKe tOp.. bLaHx3.. n JeAn eyEd oN sOmE tHiNgS tOo.. hEeZ.. jEaN sHaLL sAvE fOr iT?!
bTw, JeAn tiNkS sHe's hiGh tOdAy aLtHo JeAn LoOkS aBiT dEaD aFt tHe tEsT!! LoLx..
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;