Jeanie Chu
NUS Undergraduate
Good book
Good music
Still Wishing
Yy (Yy1)
Jiro Candice
Kyle Murphy
Kaymanism's Art
Kylie's Pride
YingYi (Yy 2)
Lynn MeiLing
Val MeiWei
NUS Homepage
Yada Yada
layout design, coding, photo-editing,
by ice angel
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
aLriGhT, nOw i gOtTa gO cOntiNuE mY bOoK b4 i eNd tiS sAt niTe.. aY, i meAn suN mOrN?! hAa.. tAtAz~
the beauty exposed ;
dAt shLd bE aLL!!~ (^_^) n iT's reaLLi fuN!!!
wo yao ni pei zhe wo, kan zhe na hai gui shui zhong you..~
man man de pa zai sha tan shang, shu zhe lang hua yi duo duo..~ (^_^)
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;
the beauty exposed ;